Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Forget Last Year - Make a Plan For This Year (And Beyond)

!±8± Forget Last Year - Make a Plan For This Year (And Beyond)

A new year is getting started, and you're thinking about just how much you didn't get done last year. Maybe you're looking back at where you were a year ago and thinking that you really didn't make that much progress. Guess what? You need to forget that.

You learned some valuable lessons last year. Even if you can only come up with one lesson (it's this: don't sit around and do nothing like you did last year) that's still a lesson. Take the lessons you learned last year and forget last year!

You had chances and opportunities then, but those are gone now and you're at a new point in life. Start looking forward. There are opportunities and chances coming your way this year, this month, maybe even this week! You won't see them if the only place you're looking at is the past. Give up your regrets and take what's yours now.

What would you like to achieve in the next year? You need to think about this. Think into the future. Where would you like to be this time next year? Do you want to be sitting at the same desk, doing the same job, making the same amount of money? Do you want to come home to the same house or apartment? Maybe you want something more - or maybe you just want something different. Maybe you want some things to change but other things are great just the way they are. That's OK. Just think about what you really want.

Now take those things you want and make a plan to get them. If that's overwhelming to you, just take one or two things and plan how you can get them. How can you get from where you are today to where you want to be next year? What steps can you take?

I recommend that you do take a "big picture" overview of what it will take to get you where you want to be next year. But you should also break it down so you're working much closer to where you are now. What will you need to do in the next three months to get you that much closer to your goal? What should you be doing in the next month? What steps can you take this week?

By planning out your goals to where you're at now, you'll be able to take actual action on them. When you write down what you should be doing, make sure you're writing down action steps. Write down something like "call financial advisor on Thursday to make an appointment." Don't write down "figure out how to get out of debt." You need actionable steps that you can work through.

Your plan will probably change and be modified as you move through the year. That's normal You will, however, find that you're making progress. You'll find that opportunities related to your goals arise. You'll be focused on taking action and you'll grab those opportunities. All the apathy of the past will become a dim memory as you focus, make a plan, and take action on the future - a future you truly want.

Forget Last Year - Make a Plan For This Year (And Beyond)

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